About Me

My name is Lucia and I am an Italian mom, living in Coconut Grove, Miami. I have always been a firm believer in food as a pillar of health, however, I myself was never a cook. Becoming a mother of two pushed me to start learning how to home-cook meals to instill long-lasting healthy eating habits in my children. I got to work and found a way to meal plan and am learning so much! Hoping to be an inspiration for other moms, I am here to share my story and learnings.

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  • Making Snacks: Healthy Crackers & Cookies

    Its awe-inspiring how easy making snacks is, I myself never thought it would be. Let me show you.

  • Weekly Toddler Lunch Ideas

    Inspiring lunch recipes for toddlers in case you want to get them out of the "sandwich" routine.

  • Boost Toddler Self Confidence in the Kitchen

    Discover how great it is to build your toddler's self-esteem while helping out in the kitchen.

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